If you are a fan of baby leggings you need to head straight over to My Little Leggings
They are having a sale right now that saves you more the more you buy. In addition to that you can use the coupon code Summer2011 to save an additional 10%, and they're offering free shipping to Canada and the United States.
This is an amazing deal when you consider that some brands (cough cough baby legs cough cough) are charging close to $20/pair!
I love these leggings i used them on sophia all the time!
In the winter underneath looser fitting track pants so her legs stayed warm on walks.
In the summer with little skirts or just onesies they look adorable and make diaper changes a breeze.
They are lifesavers for the crawling stage and the learning to walk stage, i cant count the number of times they've saved her little knees from scrapes
Im also going to use them when were potty training, so much easier than pants.
So head on over to My Little Legs and score some for yourselves. While you're there check out their great selection of hats, headbands and skirts as well.
Happy Shopping.
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